The Royal Quagmire

The British monarchy has been through turbulent times throughout the centuries, but the mystique was never as challenged so much as it is today. Our Queen Elisabeth has performed a sterling job during her reign, as did her parents before her. Back in the 1930’s, when King Edward VIII ascended the throne, it was unheard of for a monarch to marry a divorced partner. As soon as he declared his irrevocable intention to marry Wallis Simpson, the twice-divorced American, the uproar was predestined. Thus, he abdicated and relinquished the throne to his rather less worldly brother, Albert. In the light of Edward’s subsequent associations with Adolf himself, it seems that royal protocol unwittingly relieved Great Britain of a potential source of infinite embarrassment.

So, when Queen Elisabeth came to the throne, it was hardly surprising that she denied her sister Margaret’s request to marry her divorced lover, even though she was unlikely to ever become queen herself. A lot of water has gushed through the Thames in the meantime. Regardless of any shenanigans that Charles may have enjoyed, it seemed imperative at age 32, that he marry a lady of maidenly virtue. It must have been tricky locate one such damsel in England, but hey-ho, the clock was ticking and an heir was crucial. So, along came Diana, to serve the purpose, and we know what happened in that overcrowded conjugal travesty.

Meanwhile, the Queen is witness to three of her four children gracing the divorce courts with appropriate reverberations among her people. It’s curious to note that both Charles, and his second wife Camilla are divorced, despite the inevitability of him becoming King. And many royalists will be consumed with rage to see Camilla become his queen. Now Andrew seems to have been caught with his «trousers down» due to his association with a sleazy character who has since left this mortal coil. His ex-wife «Fergie» – hardly a paragon of integrity, has succumbed to her share the headlines too.

To crown it all, Harry has scuttled into a marriage with a divorced American z-class actress, who seems to have misjudged her role in the bigger picture, once the monstrously lavish wedding had been paid for. With only her mother at the wedding, it doesn’t seem that she is exactly family-oriented, as she absconds with baby Archie to live her life outside the royal family, while harvesting the advantages that Harry’s crew can offer from a distance. We’ll keep the popcorn handy on that front.

The stability and acceptance of the monarchy has seldom been contested till now. However, there is a perception, that ever more republicans are waiting in the wings to disrupt this thousand-year institution, once Elisabeth has passed on to higher spheres. But despite the echoes of pessimism there is hope on the horizon, albeit some decades away. William and Kate are maturing into the most excellent ambassadors of the crown and are rightly earning recognition as beacons of hope for the royal family. Clearly there’s more to the royal family than thespian parades and cucumber sandwiches among a select, exclusive species. The Queen has maintained an unshakable stability in the United Kingdom. As we take the plunge into the yet unknown waters of Brexit, long may she live and prevent the sovereign boat from rocking on the waves of discontent.

Photo: Pexels.com / Roméo

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