When I was a toddler, it would never have occurred to me to doubt what my parents told me – I lived in a protected world of blind trust where lies and dishonesty were simply non-existent (at least, for me). I was conditioned into what I perceived to be a perfect world. Then I progressed into the wider world, as one does, as gullible and impressionable as in my infant years. It never struck me that someone would look me in the eye and tell a deliberate untruth. It was something I couldn’t even do myself, without blushing and/or stuttering. The trust I had in my fellow humans was still by default, automatic and unwavering. In «learning by doing» I irreversibly mastered the cultural shock as I finally grew up

The longer I live, the more I question if there is anyone who I can entirely trust. Whether it’s politicians who blatantly distort and lie to manipulate their constituents; whether it’s banks, businesses or real estate agents; whether it’s superiors who are entrenched in their own agenda, or colleagues who preach teamwork but who emerge as zealous, closet rivals; life has become a minefield, requiring suspicious navigation.

What we have witnessed in recent months is poignantly significant, as resistance to conventional politics manifests itself. Downright falsehoods and misleading threats have poisoned the political scenario and the politicians only have themselves to blame. Armies of protesters can storm the streets to voice their rage, but they overlook the global crusade to adopt a wholesome challenge to the deep-rooted establishment. I rejoice with every deviation from standard politics that have brought catastrophic consequences to some of the most highly developed countries of the western world. In addition to that, many devastating decisions have been made that have brought the middle class nearly to their knees, the very folk who form the backbone of society. It was high time to rock the boat.

The thing is, when trust has been abused and has subsequently evaporated, no charm in the world will retrieve it. It’s a little like trying to regain a dream figure, having bloated beyond recognition during years of gorging. The last thing that many politicians simply fail to grasp, is that their sheep are becoming more awake and aware. It’s easy to accredit unwanted information to «fake news», but thanks to their own arrogance and not least to modern media, deceptions, indiscretions, greed and power-hunger have become transparent and irreconcilable with their once loyal constituents.


Photo: Unsplash / Jackson Hendry

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