Covid – The Nemesis

Sneaking cautiously out of lockdown, which had kept us confined for a significant spell, the feeling of abounding liberty was soon dispelled! As politicians grappled with home-made regulations, it became apparent, that we were being exposed to an experimental phase rather than tried and tested tactics. Statistics of apparent Corona deaths seemed designed to maintain trepidation in the land. It appeared that anyone who met their Maker in the first half of 2020 had succumbed to the plague-like virus, even though they were already predestined to surrender soon to another unrelated disease. It was also apparent, that some countries were far more zealous in testing for the virus than others. Thus, various widely contrasting numbers emerged, much like the Eurovision Song Contest, whereby the land with the most points were by no means the winners.

We were warmly invited to wear face masks in public, and re-inhale our own bacteria into our lungs and steam up our glasses. Unfortunately, someone in the parliamentary «Virus-department» had forgotten to stock up on our vital reserve of face masks, so the law of supply and demand kicked in. The prevailing prices escalated to milk the situation while the going was good. A dexterous doctor assured me that wearing a mask wouldn’t prevent anyone from infecting me, but I could contain my own infections, and protect other people. That consoled me hugely. I felt caught like a rabbit in the headlights when passing non-masked beings while I wore my mask like a badge of honour, purporting unrestrained self-righteousness. It seemed a trifle one-sided to safeguard the unknown person who didn’t care a jot about detonating their virus at me.

We also had to maintain a 2-metre distance from the next person, which in terms of radius leaves one with a sizeable space to oneself – theoretically. It’s all rather jolly, if we all move at the same pace and no one wants to stop in front of the cabbages, undecided as to which size to buy. Of course, the success of this tactic depended on everyone adhering to the same rules. It manifested itself in pugnacious techniques as people tussled to pin down their perceived ration of toilet paper.

The sinister truth is that (being politically correct), it probably came from China. We have no idea how long it will outstay its welcome among us, and although we are vulnerable to it and could possibly host it, we can’t even see it. Notwithstanding, we all had time to stand back and observe humanity at its best and worst during this unforeseen pandemic. I simply stayed at home and tried to keep busy and avoid watching my toenails grow. Yes, my life wasn’t filled with unbridled glee and fulfilment, but I am generally a contented person, and that didn’t change. I firmly believe that Covid has been around and will remain among us for a long time. Why some people die from it, some are critically ill with it, and others have apparently had it without even being aware of it, is a God-given mystery. We don’t need to embrace it, but maybe live a little more aware of life’s challenges.

Photo: Pexels / Miguel A.

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