We Live in Interesting Times

Christmas is now history and we have today commuted into 2023 with some degree of trepidation – that’s to say, those of us with a clear head. As I decant the seasonal decorations back into mothballs, I am forced to speculate upon the state of the world, the next time they see the light of day. Accounting for the natural changes transpiring in our world, it would seem that this particular century has so far witnessed diverse upheavals in far more turbulent sequence, than previous eras. Starting with 9/11 in 2001, the worldwide recession of 2008 and the different wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria leading up to America’s proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine, we thought we’d seen it all. Then a miniscule virus took a walk from a lab in Wuhan, China and the world recoiled in haste to hunker down in isolation and wait for the ensuing devastation. As if that wasn’t enough, our climate gurus ordained radical measures to ‘save the planet’, on the assumption that Europe was the pollution-offender. Meanwhile China has more than one million coal-fired plants in 2022, and had taken over large swathes of production, that we gave them to prevent our pollution. In addition to our general woes, Europe is being overcome by an invasion of mainly male, Muslim economic migrants. This is challenging many areas of life and exacerbating social systems, which were not designed for mass immigration. The final straw which aggravates an already tested folk is the problems of gender. Certain groups have created legally binding equality for women, requiring equal numbers of male/female employees in companies, as well as equality of race and culture. The more befuddling of the gender problems is with transgender people and the use of their pronouns. People have been known to lose their job, should they falsely refer to a person by their birth gender, and not their acquired gender. Films are due to be banned from the Oscar awards, should they not display a cast of sufficient coloured actors.

The cumulative effect of these issues is confusing. You’re never quite sure, if you should not heat your home because of the cost, the climate, Mr. Putin or whatever. And while all the above has been transpiring, the mainstream media has been hovering over us with lopsided accounts of every conceivable adversity, restriction and potential outcome to augment the fear, and maintain compliancy. The discerning amongst us have discarded this mostly state-run source of “news” and resorted to rather more unconventional methods to inform ourselves of the facts, which actually does interest us to a large degree. Of course, this mass media is reliant on the public to forcibly finance their efforts, even though ever diminishing circles of people even watch, listen or read their contributions. Despite their day-and-night coverage, large ranks of people are more actively following social media in its various forms for their ritual entertainment.

In the meantime, word seeps through to us at regular intervals of the ‘Master of Disaster’ at the World Economic Forum, headed by a dictator called Klaus Schwab. This self-important fellow has written several books echoing the same old mantra about the Great Reset and more recently the build-up to it in the form of Covid-19, for which he prides himself on being the architect. According to him he has penetrated almost every government in the world and heads of state all replicate

 the same vocabulary of ‘build back better’. He has repeatedly preached that we will all ‘own nothing and be happy’. His particular version of communism may not appeal to the hard-working home-owner but hey-ho, we live in interesting times. He also claims that we will not eat meat, ‘ve vill eat zee bugs’. So do your patriotic duty and start collecting your cockroaches and worms – you never know if he might start rationing them, once his neo-diet is launched in his elite pseudo-world, designed exclusively for billionaires!

We have just wrapped up a volatile year and as fireworks herald in a new year let us hope that our politicians will acquire a previously unknown fountain of diplomacy, intelligence and commitment to work on behalf of their citizens rather than their own interests or some unelected elite. Happy New Year!

Photo: Pexels / baluc photography

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