On 31. August 2015, upon the insistence of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel that «Wir schaffen das» «we can do it», over a million «refugees» descended upon Europe in unparalleled haste. They infiltrated every country, in their determination to reach Germany – the land of apparent milk and honey. Mid-September, in one day, over 7000 migrants stormed over the borders of Croatia on their way to Germany via Zagreb. No controls were made or even possible as the stampede accelerated, people from diverse backgrounds, mostly without documents to prove their identity. The elite in the bowels of the EU in Brussels scurried around, making considerable noise about humanitarian help for traumatized souls from war-torn areas, without even knowing who these individuals were. How could they, a rational person would reason? Among that awesome number, background checks would require an army of trained personnel.

My thoughts at the time, wondered at the outrageous claim of Mutti Merkel, to assume her well-organized country were prepared for such an invitation/invasion. I recall thinking at the time about reckless adolescents who posted news of a Saturday night bash at their parents’ home on Facebook, only to be invaded by half a million «guests» of dubious pedigree, and an army of police trying to evict them.

Back to the borders of Croatia: At the same time, a couple of Swiss friends of mine took themelsves off, with plenty of money and prepaid hotel reservations for a two-week trip around Croatia in their rather splendid car. Alas, despite rigorous planning, the husband of this charming and most respectable couple, had failed to see that his Swiss identity card, was no longer valid. The ID had expired a month before. However untoward this oversight may appear, it nevertheless adequately identified him, with data and a photo. It sure as hell didn’t identify the man next door. As they approached the border and showed said ID, the error was instantly detected and our happy holiday-makers were swiftly and firmly turned away. It beggars belief in this, our Europe with it’s policy of open borders and humanitarian dealings with non-citizens. The reality that the border guard had not understood, is that no EU member within the Schengen Area even needs to show his ID, only non-EU citizens. Since the infiltration of these people from other continents apparently escapes this tedious ritual, the point of this nit-picking exercise with EU citizens is somewhat lost on me. In retrospect, it actually smacks of an intentional and intricate plan.

The result of this fastidious enactment on the one hand simply mystifies the normal EU citizen. It certainly baffled our Swiss couple, who thus proceeded on to Italy, cut their losses of hotel bookings in Croatia and affably accepted their fate, as good, respectable people do. Italy let them in with open arms, without them even showing their IDs!


Photo: pixelio.de / Andreas Huth

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