The BUG!

OK, so my son and I didn’t answer the call to get the famous Covid-inoculation, like many of our friends and acquaintances. Why? Well, we are really content with our own immune systems. We didn’t feel inclined to try and have it compromised by a man-made cocktail of chemicals, not yet fully tested. We felt our scepticism was validated by the sheer refusal of MSM to even mention any side-effects. However, as usual in all these issues, it’s hard to suppress facts from inquisitive people. I don’t mind being a guinea pig for a new recipe or even a computer program, but I am not wide open to a chemical nectar being injected into me, which may not be entirely necessary. Call me old-fashioned, but generally speaking, unless I am actually ill, I prefer the standard form of corporal upkeep, which has served me very well for most of my life. We even took the trouble to supplement our healthy nutrition with supplementary vitamin D3 in quite large doses.

We didn’t imagine for a moment that we would completely dodge the bug, and guess what, we didn’t. First my son went down with Covid, and while taking care of him, I unwillingly succumbed to the malady myself. I tested positive and was confined to bed for a week; not that I felt really ill, I was just utterly exhausted and dizzy. Neither of us needed a doctor, and we didn’t even strain the health system by using any medicine, apart from an occasional aspirin. I’m afraid the pharma industry didn’t get rich in this case on our account. Perhaps we were just lucky in avoiding the first couple of variants which seem to have been more toxic, according to the somewhat tweaked statistics being cited around the media. They did however earn the price of two tests, which were ridiculously high-priced – nothing low-key in Switzerland.

From the month of September 2021 until February 2022, we uninjected individuals were not allowed in restaurants, clubs, concerts, fitness studios or any other gatherings for that matter. While the numbers of jabbed Covid patients increased by the week, we spent the best part of the winter alienated from any normal life. We endured the scorn of those good souls who had received the shots, and sanctimoniously blamed the ‘un-jabbed’ for inhibiting their freedom. We partook of Christmas dinner in thick winter coats outside a restaurant on the terrace in minus temperatures. We put up with self-righteous diners sneering at us through the windows, from their sanctuary of a warm and joyous atmosphere. But we survived!

Remarkably, we didn’t catch Covid from each other, we caught it as soon as we were allowed to mix with the jabbed folk. But in retrospect, it really doesn’t justify any country like Germany, imposing a vaccine mandate for everyone, which is still being discussed by their politicians. However, they know that the German voters are obedient beings and will generally adhere to the mandate, which wouldn’t work any more in most other countries. Therefore, it is due to this blind subservience that the strict Covid measures will remain in place – or just until the Germans refuse to conform.

In the meantime, my son and I have recovered from the bug and are now apparently enjoying more immunity to Covid than before. We will not be caving into the Covid-jab at any time in the future either. But I notice that the wise ones in charge of us, are revving up for a new variant or even more toxic illnesses when summer is over. I wonder how many people will do what they are told the next time around, but I won’t hold my breath.

Photo: Pexels / Alena Shekhovtcov

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