My Body – My Choice!

Today, 1st. December 2021, after nearly two years of an allegedly rampant pandemic, I find myself healthier than ever, without the support of a Covid-19 vaccination. How in the name of wonder did I manage that, against all predictions of a grizzly life or death following the failure to have this highly esteemed jab?

Despite the proliferating efforts of mainstream media, politicians and the sheer force of their propaganda to create panic and angst, I stand by my personal decision to refrain from taking the injection. But this particularly effective marketing worked well among shoals of citizens in Germany, Austria and Switzerland who have obediently succumbed to the jab, in the belief that for them, the pandemic has breathed its last. They are now awakening to the realisation that the vaccination doesn’t protect them from the infection or the transmission thereof. On the contrary, the double and triple jabbed patients are in the majority in the intensive care units.

However, rather than admit the truth, our twice-vaccinated inhabitants are now being herded into vaccination centres for booster jabs, which are just as experimental as the first two. And still, governments are creating new hurdles for healthy, uninfected, unjabbed mortals, to live their lives. One such hurdle in Switzerland dictates that unjabbed persons like myself are not allowed in restaurants. Since September I have not seen the inside of a diner, but certain innovative restaurants have supplied heaters on their terrace to keep us warm in zero degrees. One particularly novel restaurant, has created a large wall of bales of hay to lend the sensation of a cosy cow stall; quite appropriately in line with the Christmas story. It has the advantage that I don’t have to dress up to go to dinner; a thick winter coat and scarf does the trick.

Despite increasing evidence of catastrophic side effects of the vaccination, most politicians have chosen to ignore the unpredictable outcome in some cases and autopsies are not on the menu. This cements the impression that a lot of people are earning buckets of money with this new obsession without any concrete scientific facts. They have even sunk to offering a free sausage, a pizza or a glass of beer for willing souls to take the ‘one-size-fits-all’ jab. One brothel in Vienna even offers free thirty minutes with the lady of your choice, as a trade-off for the jab. They are not scientists but they have convinced themselves that if a large percentage of the population are jabbed, the pandemic will subside and we can return to a normal life once more. And maybe pigs will fly.

And yet, I have weathered the force of the entire press and have not got vaccinated myself because I take care of myself, I am mature and inform myself outside mainstream sources and consider my body as my temple. I am mysteriously resistant to being forced to put something in my body that I don’t need or want. I supplement my daily diet with large doses of vitamin D3, supplied by my doctor to intensify my own immunity, and it has done the job admirably.

What in the world is happening to us? For nearly two years we have been ruled by a little bug, so minute that it’s imperceptible. And yet, it has triggered eclectic conditions around the world. It ruined Christmas 2020 and the subsequent New Year and has prevented us from taking a foreign holiday for nearly two years. This very day, the new Omicron mutation seems to have mysteriously manifest itself, and is apparently more transmittable than any previous mutations. It seems to have traversed the earth at such a speed that it is popping up in many a corner of the world and causing another lock-down, just before Christmas. However, I am reassured to hear from an active doctor in South Africa this evening, that the new mutation is the mildest form of a common cold that she has yet encountered.

Methinks, if the main stream media and the politicians would pipe down, there would be no panic, and apart from the very elderly and people with underlying medical problems, we could all revert to a normal life. It’s so easy to incite unrest among the people by claiming that it’s the unvaccinated who are prolonging the pandemic, just because they don’t test the vaccinated people. It is the traditional scapegoat strategy that relegates we unvaccinated to the ranks of second class citizens. They claim we have no social conscience, but the vaccinated among us should recline in the knowledge that they are apparently protected and we can’t infect them. And if they don’t feel protected, why would they want me to have the same useless jab?

The quintessence is that I will not be induced into taking the needle against my will. I face a bleak Christmas, but it’s my body and my choice and this is my point of view.

Photo: pexels / maksim goncharenok

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