From Zero to Hero

Anyone who watched the Euros 2021 match where Switzerland lost to Italy, 0-3, can’t have failed to see the 100% dedication that the Italian players put into their game as opposed to the Swiss team. In his interview after the game Mancini (I) said «We won the game thinking we wanted to win at all costs». The Swiss however seemed more concerned about parking their Lamborghinis and Ferraris properly in Zurich, before flying off to Rome for the match. And of course, it was vital to have their hairdresser flown to Rome to bleach the Swiss Captain’s hair before the game. Swiss journalists of all colours were exasperated following the game, expressing their frustration at their compatriots’ lame performance.

And the Swiss viewers had already capitulated on the strength of that one game and speculated that the Swiss team would soon be landing back at Zurich airport. There they would heave their aching muscles into their ‘hard-earned’ Lamborghinis and Ferraris, with their devoted entourage. They may even round off their ‘business trip’ with a well-deserved bottle of Dom Perignon, before taking a relaxing bath and rewarding massage. Most likely, they wouldn’t even bother to watch their own performance.

And just when you have resigned yourself to another average performance in round 16, the Swiss footballers astonish us all by pure brilliance. They eliminate, the world champions, France from the Euros 2021 and harvest unprecedented acclaim on the international platform. This was the first major tournament knockout tie for the Swiss team in 83 years and they outstripped their opponents emphatically. It was 120 minutes of pure and striking football, as the Swiss team finally pulled together as a team and revived our faith in their prowess.

Despondency has now given way to national pride, a feeling of well-being reigns and faith in our emancipated kickers to go on and triumph in the quarter finals. Cynicism has been converted into all-round buoyancy. Previous engagements arranged for Friday evening are now cancelled in favour of a night’s football-viewing. The Quarter final match between Switzerland and Spain will now take priority over every other function in Switzerland. How the tables have turned.

The Swiss public has found their team again, and the team can be proud to show themselves to their public. And all it takes is a little leather ball and a lot of passion. It’s just a pity the players are so arrogant!

Photo: Pexels / Tom.Fisk

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